Our 10-week Student Nurse Internship (SNI) program offers soon-to-be graduate nurses excellent hands-on training in an engaging, dynamic atmosphere. For many, this program is the first chance to apply classroom knowledge with real patients. But they’re never alone — with preceptors as guides, our SNIs are empowered and extended opportunities to provide important care. Ever wonder what it’s really like to be in UPMC’s SNI program? We rounded up a few of our 2020 interns give you the scoop…

Ashley Witnessed the Future of Medicine.
“Throughout this internship I was given many opportunities to see many amazing surgeries even robotic-assisted surgeries, where I was able to learn so much about the human anatomy and how it works…The opportunity that was given to me was amazing and I would not have traded it for the world!”
Ashley S., UPMC St. Margaret
Brianna was reminded of the essentials.
“My preceptor quickly taught me the importance of routine when caring for all of our patients and to not forget the basics I was already taught in nursing school."
Brianna G., UPMC Mercy

Brook's preceptor made her summer.
"What I liked the most about my internship was my preceptor. Angelina challenged me and allowed me to think for myself while always being there to intervene or explain a concept when needed. She understood what I needed to experience to grow as a student nurse."
Brooke M., UPMC Mercy
Christina had a rewarding summer at Magee.
“This summer was very busy but it was incredibly rewarding! I have learned so much from the preceptors, doctors, midwives, PCT’s, and patients I have encountered in those 10 weeks. I’m so thankful for this program and will carry the knowledge I have gained/remember this experience at Magee forever."
Christina P., UPMC Magee

Katherine Improved Her Nursing Skills.
"Through hands-on guidance from my preceptor, I was able to participate in so many essential nursing skills and improve on them exponentially throughout the ten weeks I was working at UPMC Shadyside on 7 Main.”
Katherine A., UPMC Shadyside
Katie learned the importance of communication.
“Improving on old and learning new skills was a huge part of this program. I had the opportunity to improve on physicals assessments, manage different types of ostomies, perform dressing changes, and more, but I also learned the importance of strong nurse-patient communication.”
Katie D., UPMC Passavant

Rachel loved the people she met.
“One of my favorite things about this summer was the people I met – patients and coworkers. Making a patient feel safe and comfortable in their most vulnerable moments is so rewarding.”
Rachel K., UPMC Hamot
Sydney witnessed Life Changing Medicine.
"I love watching the patients get well, go home, and progress in their lives.”
Sydney R., UPMC Western Psych

Timothy found his calling.
"The experience of the SNI program has further solidified that I have found my calling in OB, and cannot wait for what comes next!”
Timothy B., UPMC Magee
Think the SNI program might be your next best step, too? Junior-level or equivalent nursing students are invited to apply today! This 10-week, paid program allows you to work up to 40 hours a week on a unit in one of a variety of clinical settings, receive 1-on-1 guidance from a trained preceptor, have built-in shadow opportunities to explore your areas of interest, and will build your confidence as a future nurse.