We’re thrilled to share that UPMC was named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by the Ethisphere Institute in 2021 – for the third consecutive year.
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When you set out on a new career journey, you want to know about your prospective employers. What is the company culture? What is the organization’s reputation? What are their values? What are they known for? Is there anything to be aware of?
Fortunately, many of these answers are easily found on company websites, social media platforms, job board reviews, or blogs. When you’re seeking new opportunities, researching prospective employers allows you to feel prepared for interviews, but it also gives you an inside glimpse into life at that company.
At UPMC, we love to share our values, stories of Life Changers, and the impact they have on our communities, and images that give you a look inside our world – one full of lively culture that makes Life Changing Medicine happen each day. That’s why we’re thrilled to share that UPMC was named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by the Ethisphere Institute in 2021 – for the third consecutive year.
This year, there were 135 organizations across 22 countries and 47 industries. UPMC was evaluated as one of only two integrated health care delivery and finance organizations. In UPMC’s three years on the list, we have consistently scored above average in Compliance and Ethics – the most heavily weighted category.
Not only are we dedicated to an ethical workplace that values diversity, equity and inclusion, but we value employees’ voices when it comes to our diversity and inclusion efforts.
The Ethisphere Institute aims to define and advance global standards of ethical business practices and ranks companies on a range of factors, including COVID-19 responsiveness, culture of ethics, corporate citizenship and responsibility, governance and leadership, as well as reputation and diversity.
Beyond the global level, our organization is leading the way when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts locally. UPMC was named one of three 2019 Vibrant Champions by Vibrant Pittsburgh, an organization established to boost diversity and inclusivity in Pittsburgh.
This distinction was earned by scoring at or above the 95th percentile on the 2019 Vibrant Index, which measures Pittsburgh-area organizations’ successes and critical needs when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion policies and practices.
John Galley, Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, and Dr. James Taylor, Chief Diversity, Inclusion and Talent Management Officer, recently participated in a Vibrant Pittsburgh panel to speak to UPMC’s diversity and inclusion efforts, as well as how those were impacted by social and political unrest in 2020.
“We have a rich history of diversity progress at UPMC. Before the likes of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor became household names – and they became household names for all the wrong reasons – we can say, and we can say with pride, that we were driving a diversity and inclusion agenda to advance issues such as health equity and workforce diversity and underserved community engagement,” Dr. Taylor said. “On the other hand, 2020 was also a reminder for all of us in this region that we have an opportunity. We’ve got work to do. There’s more work for us to do.”
"We have a rich history of diversity progress at UPMC...On the other hand, 2020 was also a reminder for all of us in this region that we have an opportunity. We’ve got work to do. There’s more work for us to do.”
Dr. James Taylor, Chief of Diversity & Inclusion
At UPMC, not only are we dedicated to an ethical workplace that values diversity, equity and inclusion, but we value employees’ voices when it comes to our diversity and inclusion efforts.
“We’re listening to our employees – our diverse employees, specifically underserved minorities – and getting their ideas and their thoughts,” John Galley said. “We learned that who delivers the message is just as important as the message itself…bring the joy in your messaging, make sure that doesn’t get lost.”
Be a part of an organization dedicated to moving the needle – here in our region and across the globe. Make your voice heard as we continue to advance our policies to allow for a more diverse, inclusive workplace as we strive for health care equity in our communities. Be a part of a team that makes a difference. Be You, Be UPMC.