Everyone has a why – why you chose your profession, invest in your community, and pursue your current career. When we asked the nurses of UPMC Northwest what their why is, they had no problem sharing. Situated in the family-friendly, small town of Seneca, PA, UPMC Northwest is a top-notch facility providing quality health care for its community. With state-of-the-art treatment technology and a campus that includes a behavioral health unit, inpatient rehabilitation unit and transitional care unit, UPMC Northwest delivers an impressive and wide range of meaningful care to their patients.
For all these reasons and more, nurses Rachel, Cassie, Charles, and David share why they’re glad to be a part of the UPMC Northwest team, and why you might want to choose to be part of their team, too.
Reason 1 – Amazing Coworkers
“I couldn’t do this job without my coworkers. They are supportive and inspire me to be a better nurse every day. They make those tough days more bearable. Without them, I couldn’t do this job.” – Rachel J., Professional Staff Nurse
Reason 2 – Community Atmosphere
“What’s awesome about UPMC Northwest is that we’re a small rural hospital, so it’s easy to navigate friendships and find something in common. Everybody becomes a familiar face which makes coming to work so much more enjoyable for me. I get to know my patients and their families by name, not just their number, which is so cool to me to have that personal connection.” — Cassie K., Professional Staff Nurse

Cassie K.
Reason 3 – Excellent Collaboration
“Because I work in across several areas of the hospital, I get to see a wide range of medical issues. I also get to see how well everyone on each unit works together and provides the best care possible to our patients. Whether it’s a critical patient in the ER or issues on any of the units, it’s amazing to know there is a great team working with you.” Charles B., Professional Staff Nurse
Reason 4 – Rewarding Professional Challenges
“Working in the Critical Care Unit at UPMC Northwest provides me the opportunity to experience an amazing variety of situations. Every day I am presented with a new challenge to overcome. On any given day, there are a variety of roles that I could fill, including nurse, teacher and advocate. Every patient and their family have unique (and sometimes challenging) needs, and blending the different roles allows me to practice in a rewarding environment.
When most patients come to the unit, they are very sick and in need of great amounts of care. For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of nursing is getting to watch people get better and knowing that I played a part in that. It is an amazing experience to be able to watch someone go from being so sick to walking out the front doors with their families at the end of their experience.” David K., Sr. Professional Staff Nurse, BSN
Rachel, Cassie, Charles, and David shared their why: 4 reasons why they enjoy their role as nurses, why they are passionate about their community in Seneca, PA, and why they are proud to have a place on the Northwest team. UPMC Northwest is seeking passionate nurses like you to give their beloved Seneca community the quality care they deserve. Will you consider joining our team?
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